If you missed the latest OPA Writers' Retreat at Malabar Farm, then you missed the dynamic and engaging presence of poet Robert Miltner. Many thanks to Dr. Miltner for leading a fantastic workshop that focused on prose poetry, a form that (it's pretty safe to say) he knows something about. His prompts during sessions this past weekend led to the attendees drafting some amazing poems, some of which we hope to see in print soon--there were some really powerful pieces. As a follow-up to the retreat, we asked Miltner to share a list of the ten books--poetry or otherwise--that he would want with him if ever stranded on a desert island. Below is the eclectic list of books, a collection as diverse as Miltner's own abilities as a writer. "One: The Complete Plays of William Shakespeare. No single author has ever had an impact on the English language like Shakespeare did. "Two: The Collected Stories of Raymond Carver . Carver was a master storyteller, and...
Official blog site of the Ohio Poetry Association. Learn more at ohiopoetryassn.org.